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Best/Worst EXP Today -
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Best EXP
Rank Name World Level Gained EXP
1 Godofwarxz 38 131 +11,917,303 EP
2 Skywalker 1 291 +4,631,818 EP
3 Dozi 32 278 +3,488,486 EP
4 Rogerlii 35 246 +3,453,718 EP
5 Nishui 15 232 +3,304,530 EP
6 Amyy 34 182 +3,296,658 EP
7 Bossc 34 235 +3,292,877 EP
8 Simagal 36 293 +3,269,966 EP
9 Furyclaw 7 259 +3,224,829 EP
10 Ladyjack 33 203 +3,207,413 EP
11 Zeryahnava 33 246 +3,187,779 EP
12 Rajasultan 36 354 +3,181,382 EP
13 Godpower 33 279 +3,171,968 EP
14 Imtheking 23 198 +3,141,972 EP
15 Rajaibliss 36 274 +3,138,937 EP
16 Vengi 2 218 +3,093,013 EP
17 Agentabom 38 245 +3,079,621 EP
18 Rajaifrit 36 307 +3,074,252 EP
19 Xdboyz 15 205 +3,059,677 EP
20 Lordbeastz 9 230 +3,048,231 EP
21 Sadness 33 263 +3,015,855 EP
22 Eguboyy 9 245 +3,014,932 EP
23 Wingirls 9 223 +3,005,574 EP
24 Lordtombs 9 220 +2,997,841 EP
25 Sarifdull 9 167 +2,961,424 EP
26 Obiiwan 1 225 +2,934,185 EP
27 Milo 7 169 +2,926,178 EP
28 Rockstars 15 210 +2,884,393 EP
29 Andilau 9 271 +2,872,301 EP
30 Arjun 1 211 +2,871,645 EP
31 Royzx 9 286 +2,865,575 EP
32 Moneon 1 225 +2,865,164 EP
33 Deathwind 23 240 +2,858,929 EP
34 Skysensenz 39 160 +2,841,203 EP
35 Pahlawan 33 206 +2,838,462 EP
36 Sheikhh 32 78 +2,836,903 EP
37 Qaer 11 243 +2,834,542 EP
38 Lakers 33 303 +2,834,367 EP
39 Hellboys 33 279 +2,829,102 EP
40 Hitman 36 287 +2,828,880 EP
41 Shine 37 254 +2,828,201 EP
42 Ow 37 249 +2,828,061 EP
43 Klorofiles 33 221 +2,813,634 EP
44 Massimo 9 246 +2,808,364 EP
45 Voltdemort 15 245 +2,800,869 EP
46 Alind 33 233 +2,798,204 EP
47 Pvpgod 9 255 +2,795,871 EP
48 Xxtaikoxx 9 223 +2,786,907 EP
49 Gian 33 300 +2,782,024 EP
50 Ferxiic 33 257 +2,773,813 EP
51 Dears 15 230 +2,749,678 EP
52 Yvonne 9 232 +2,735,701 EP
53 Shantiii 11 232 +2,734,569 EP
54 Omheruu 37 265 +2,732,289 EP
55 Rafa 2 267 +2,726,595 EP
56 Squiszhy 15 273 +2,715,451 EP
57 Levelone 38 229 +2,714,889 EP
58 Kuicii 2 249 +2,696,347 EP
59 Taiwantank 32 272 +2,696,136 EP
60 Dumpsterz 23 250 +2,691,091 EP
61 Agentqleio 38 232 +2,680,132 EP
62 Devinz 1 236 +2,672,151 EP
63 Hitboss 36 312 +2,664,291 EP
64 Raatzy 37 241 +2,643,425 EP
65 Agentguss 38 241 +2,643,230 EP
66 Dagoth 37 249 +2,640,623 EP
67 Dex 1 260 +2,636,859 EP
68 Faaz 9 283 +2,636,573 EP
69 Zephyrum 33 229 +2,636,203 EP
70 Reyin 9 215 +2,635,068 EP
71 Miko 36 218 +2,634,464 EP
72 Ket 11 275 +2,634,165 EP
73 Moranttt 15 252 +2,633,570 EP
74 Nofear 2 293 +2,633,489 EP
75 Agentwb 38 229 +2,633,183 EP
76 Indrakuu 9 264 +2,632,175 EP
77 Jilzwiz 15 239 +2,627,049 EP
78 Duckmanz 1 223 +2,622,798 EP
79 Misiaaaa 23 232 +2,616,747 EP
80 Omcupid 32 246 +2,612,311 EP
81 Manchinha 2 258 +2,600,637 EP
82 Koii 37 223 +2,599,313 EP
83 Blackmyth 11 261 +2,592,496 EP
84 Bossquee 11 247 +2,591,761 EP
85 Mcking 33 284 +2,590,073 EP
86 Onejetz 15 206 +2,579,121 EP
87 Sanshokuin 23 230 +2,577,304 EP
88 Nicc 15 245 +2,574,551 EP
89 Quen 15 266 +2,570,092 EP
90 Rainz 15 243 +2,569,203 EP
91 Lxs 9 227 +2,561,300 EP
92 Alaw 2 218 +2,559,245 EP
93 Dconqueror 36 312 +2,557,428 EP
94 Skylines 38 206 +2,554,003 EP
95 Hwangyeon 9 244 +2,549,446 EP
96 Akaza 1 222 +2,548,461 EP
97 Piero 15 233 +2,548,205 EP
98 Rajataiko 36 339 +2,547,764 EP
99 Hafis 9 231 +2,543,329 EP
100 Godking 7 238 +2,540,711 EP
Worst EXP
Rank Name World Level Lost EXP
1 Perkasaa 32 230 -2,146,978,721 EP

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