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Best Worlds -
Last Day(s)
Rank World Gained EXP Total Players
1 World 11 +267,080,034 EP 6041
2 World 32 +237,096,687 EP 6676
3 World 38 +236,808,264 EP 1591
4 World 33 +233,732,806 EP 4568
5 World 1 +223,451,110 EP 5196
6 World 2 +213,838,482 EP 4121
7 World 37 +212,001,984 EP 4313
8 World 23 +208,174,301 EP 4924
9 World 9 +206,355,202 EP 5094
10 World 36 +199,197,087 EP 3643
11 World 7 +195,262,754 EP 5968
12 World 35 +158,463,429 EP 3376
13 World 39 +149,690,538 EP 769
14 World 15 +11,809,310 EP 5658
15 World 34 -59,780,643 EP 3647
Total 15 World(s): 2,693,181,345 EP
Total Players: 65,585 Player

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